Ben Jones - Missouri

I had pain in my lower back on the left side for a year and had been to the chiropractor and he was not able to get rid of it or do anything about it. In 2005 Charlie Rogers did a Miracle Service in my church Inner Life Ministries. During the service Bro Charlie called me out and prayed for me, by the time I got back to my chair the pain was totally gone and no problem since.

In 2006 in another service I had severe pain in my right knee; once again Bro Charlie called me out and began to pray for me for healing, the pain left. It tried to come back a couple of times and I told it to go and it did.

In the same service in 2006 my granddaughter Caitlin had been diagnosed with fluid on her spine. Bro. Charlie prayed for her and she was healed, the Specialist said it was gone and he couldn’t explain it.



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