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Betty Davis- Kansas Six long painful years had passed, time after time I had been temporarily healed from a disease known as Interstitial Cystitis. The doctors had told me it was incurable. But I knew in my heart that God could heal me and it would come if I continued to press forward and hold to his promise. Many pastors and friends had prayed for me, and I would experience a period of relief but then the pain would return to its full blown torment. I had put out a lot of effort to press in at a greater measure than ever before. Confessing the word (healing scriptures) and watching what I said concerning my sickness. Making sure not to destroy my faith with words of negativity. This helped to increase my faith greatly. But through all this my healing still escaped me. One night at Eternal Harvest Church we were having a prayer line and I went up for prayer. Tonight was to be my night, my prayers were to be answered once and for all. The Lord had been dealing with me about the healing of my mind. I still had the fear that the horrible pain would return. I needed conformation that my mind was hindering my healing. The next morning a friend got up in church and passed a message to us confirming what I had been feeling. I accepted this and claimed my healing from that moment on. I have been standing on this ever since that moment, pain free and gaining more courage and self esteem everyday. I now can do the things God intended me to do that at one time pain tried to interrupt. The mind is a powerful tool and can be used for good or bad. Once I realized that it was standing in my way by letting doubt creep in through my thoughts, my life has changed!