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Resisting The Enemy Begins With You ! by Charlie Rogers Have you got in prayer line after prayer line and afterward still went home an emotional wreck, still controlled by your circumstances or not able to overcome problems in your soul? I have seen people get in prayer lines to be prayed for a physical infirmity, get their healing physically or their miracle and yet go away with the same emotional problems in their soul as they had when they got in the prayer line, very messed up! I have seen this many times, more than I can count. Yet if He can heal you or give you a miracle in one area He can do it in the area of your emotions and circumstances that are at work in your soul. We see in the Word of God that how well our finances do and how healthy we are may well depend on how well we are doing in the emotional or realm of the soul. John said in, 3 John :2, Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. NKJV So we see here that our Father wants us to be healthy in our emotions. He doesn’t want us to live on the edge of a breakdown of our nerves or to be controlled by the devil and live in a reactionary type of state all our life. If we do we will be controlled by the devil’s plan instead of God’s plan all our days here on earth. You can have lots of money and still be messed up, the money will just gloss over the emotional problems you have had all your life. You can be somewhat healthy in body and still be messed up because of your emotions or strongholds in the soul. These strongholds will eventually be used by the devil to cause your health to go downhill and mess up your body. One of the first steps in being healed in this area of the soul or our emotions or walking out of this reactionary lifestyle is to resist the enemy when he comes to push your buttons to get you to react the way you have all your life. James 4:7-8 says Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. NKJV You have to resist him at some point, but you cannot resist him unless you first submit to God. You have to draw near to God, only then will you have the capability to resist your enemy. Lets take a closer look and see why and how this works. You can’t just tell me something, you have to show me in the Word of God just how it works. I mean from the time I was saved I took God at His Word. If it was written in the Bible I accepted it. I have found though that if you look closely at the Word of God He will show you how His principles work. 1 Peter 5:8 says Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. NKJV We see here the Word of God says the devil is LIKE a roaring lion which walks about acting like he can do something to you and he will IF you let him. The key is can he find you devourable? At the beginning of the verse He says be attentive, be watchful, because the devil is going to check all of us to see if we are devourable. There are no exceptions to the Word of God or who the devil will try to devour. The question is are you going to resist him or are you going to be in a position to be able to resist him. What is it that makes you able to resist him? 1 Peter 5:6-7 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, 7 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. NKJV The greatest form of resisting the devil is casting all your cares upon God your Father and taking His care back upon you. What is it that we take back upon ourselves? That He cared for us so much He delivered to us all His grace. That no matter what we need it has been freely given to us, we can’t earn it, all we have to do is receive it by faith. How do we resist the devil? By humbling ourselves unto God and cast our cares onto Him that at the appointed time He will exalt us (lift us out) of whatever it is in our lives, whether it be emotional problems, strongholds of the soul, financial problems, or physical infirmities in our body. We are the ones who determine the appointed time, we determine our exaltation, we determine our deliverance, we are the ones who resist the devil each time so he will have to flee. I tell you right now, that unless we submit ourselves unto God and keep ourselves humbled before Him, Satan will not have to flee and we will not have anything to resist him with and will only have in our lives the cares that we have refused to lay down. 1 Peter 5:5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble." NKJV Why would He say this before telling you to cast your cares and that your enemy was going to come and see if he could devour you? I tell you why, because He was giving us the answer at the beginning and to know that His grace is the answer to stand. He was also telling us to submit ourselves to people that had gone through things like we are going through themselves and know how to go through things and resist the enemy and not be devoured. He is also telling us that you can’t be proud, because if you do you’re not yielding to Him and casting your cares on Him, that He is the answer, that He will give grace to those that want it, to be able to stand against Satan’s tactics when He comes roaring and trying to convince you he can devour you. We each have people we can turn to who can stand with us against things we are confronted with in our life, things that Satan uses to try to devour our life. 1 Peter 5:9-10 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. NKJV These once again are brothers and sisters in Christ that have gone through things or are themselves going through things, fighting the good fight of faith. (Did you really think you were the only person who went through these things!!) Brothers and sisters we can depend on to stand with us through all these things until we are able to stand and resist that which is already taken care of by God’s grace and in which we have been set free. These brothers and sisters are to be watched as examples while we go through our sufferings. So who is keeping us in the suffering? Some groups will try to convince you that God is putting you in the trial or suffering and keeping you there to teach you a lesson or to strengthen you. That is false doctrine which is brought about by taking parts of the Word of God out of context. All the while you are going through this suffering God is not keeping you in the suffering, but He is looking to get you out of it. He is seeking to find that in you that will deliver you out of the suffering. Then who is keeping us in the suffering of what we are going through if its not God? I mean we did say that God delivered us out of all things through His grace, a free gift. Who is keeping us in the suffering? WE OURSELVES ARE!! We once again are the ones who determine the results. You can pray and fast, and I can tell you over and over to resist this that Satan is using to attack you. But at some point you have to resist, you have to decide to apply the resistance. Praying, fasting, worship and confessing the word will bring you over and over into submitting yourself to God increasing the faith necessary to access His grace, but you have to do those things, you can’t just hear them and that’s it. I will stand with you and set an example of how to keep going until God finds in each of us what is necessary to deliver us out of our suffering. 10 But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. NKJV As I said it is not God that keeps us in these things and lets us suffer to strengthen, perfect, establish and settle us. It is what we do while in the suffering that the end result is we are strengthen, perfected, established and settled by God. At that point we will have developed the faith necessary to access His grace which delivers us out of whatever emotional strongholds or physical infirmities or trial we are in. I can remember in the early days when I was first born again and then filled with the Spirit, my elder that set my example was Dave Roberson. He taught me to use a key of the Holy Spirit, praying in other tongues for long periods of time in order to roll my cares over on God and begin to walk in the peace of God all the while resisting the enemy and eventually backing his attacks off of me. Years later I begin to pick upon another key that also helped speed up the process of walking myself out of the trials and resisting the enemy and that was worshipping God for periods of time. All the while turning my soul, my emotions over to God and His presence advancing more into the peace of God. To the point that God is able to perfect, establish, strengthen and settle me. Have I arrived or perfected myself? NO! But Thank God because of the Holy Spirit and my elders I am not as easily pushed around by the enemy. At some point we all will have to start resisting the enemy.